
GreatAge Common module provides a set of utilities that helps to simplify work with java core classes and classes from other java-based frameworks like hibernate, javassist, etc. They doesn't provide any architecture, only base, most-needed methods. All utilities are divided to:

Common utilities

This utilities provides classes that simplifies work with core java APIs.

Collection utilities

They are represented by abstract class CollectionUtils. This utility can be used for collection creation with already defined elements. It supports creation of set, list, map and their concurrent variants For example, creation of concurrent set can look like:

final Set<String> names = CollectionUtils.newConcurrentSet("Name1", "Name2", "Name3", "Name4");

Creation of map is more complex as it consists of two different collections, keys and values. So it creation may look like:

final Map<String, Integer> variables = CollectionUtils.newMap("var1", 1, "var2", 2, "var3", 3);

Below is a table that describes what collection type is created by certain utility method:

MethodImplementation class

Also this utility can be used for checking if collection is empty:

final Set<String> names = CollectionUtils.newConcurrentSet("Name1", "Name2", "Name3", "Name4");
// do some staff
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(names)) {
  // do some staff

String utilities

They are represented by abstract class StringUtils. This utility can be used for working with strings. For example, to check if string is empty we can do:

if (StringUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
  // do dome staff

To convert binary data represented as byte array to string representation in hex form we can use:

final byte[] data = calculateData();
final String hexData = StringUtils.toHexString(data);
System.out.println("Calculated data: " + hexData);

Encode utilities

They are represented by abstract class EncodeUtils. This utilities provides encode functionality to encode/decode binary data with some algorithms (e.g. MD5, SHA1, BASE64).

For example, calculating hash sum using MD5 algorithm will look like:

final byte[] data = calculateData();
final byte[] md5sum = EncodeUtils.encode(data, "MD5");

It can be very useful for keeping user passwords in DB like hash sums. In such situation it is a good idea to use it with StringUtils.toHexString() or EncodeUtils.encodeBase64():

public String encodePassword(final String password, final boolean useBase64) {
  if (password == null) {
    return null;
  final byte[] bytes = EncodeUtils.encode(password.getBytes(), algorithm);
  return useBase64 ? new String(EncodeUtils.encodeBase64(bytes)) : StringUtils.toHexString(bytes);

Internationalization utilities

They are represented by abstract class I18nUtils. This utility provides functionality for working with locales. It can convert strings to locales and also can create list of candidate locales for certain locale.

To parse locale from string just type:

final Locale locale = I18nUtils.getLocale("ru_RU");

Sometimes it is necessary in project to use resources in some other similar to original locale when resources in original are missing. In that case this code will be useful:

final List<Locale> locales = I18nUtils.getCandidateLocales(resourceLocale);
for (Locale candidate : locales) {
  // do some staff

Reflection utilities

They are represented by abstract class ReflectionUtils. This utility makes using java reflection easier. It provides methods for finding constructors by parameter types, extracting exceptions from throwable cause, creating new object instances by class and constructor parameters, getting wrapper type for primitives.

Creation of new instance of SimpleDateFormat will look like:

final SimpleDateFormat format =
  ReflectionUtils.newInstance(SimpleDateFormat.class, "yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.ENGLISH);

To find all correspondent constructors for specified class we can use:

final List<Constructor<SimpleDateFormat>> constructors =
  ReflectionUtils.findConstructors(SimpleDateFormat.class, String.class);

If we need to extract some exception from some other exception cause we can use such code:

try {
  // do some staff
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
  final SecurityException se = ReflectionUtils.findException(exception, SecurityException.class);
  if (se != null) {
    throw se;